Women’s health

Over 70% of our colleagues are women!  This page is designed to signpost you to some helpful resources to you to look after your health.  Whether you are pregnant, thinking about getting pregnant, managing premenstrual symptoms or menopausal – there’s some useful guidance here.  If you come across other resources that your colleagues may find helpful, please contact the People Directorate.

Important:  if there is anything particularly concerning you about your health, you should speak to your GP as soon as you can. 

Remember that you can use the Employee Assistance Programme for confidential advice and a second medical opinion if necessary.


BDA Work Ready focus on diet and have some helpful information and a factsheet about the menopause:



The BUPA website includes a summary of guidance:


For a whole range of expert advice and guidance about pregnancy and getting pregnant follow this link to the NHS website:


Menstrual health

Here’s a useful article on eating well and exercise during your period:

The NHS website is a brilliant source of information for menstrual health and PMS:


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